When we were trying to name Google

奇葩逆苍天发表于2016-02-16 04:08:03 -0500

“When we were trying to name Google we actually went through thousands of names” “在决定使用‘Google’之前 我们实际上曾考虑过成千上万个名字” “The name of the company has now become its own verb in the dictionary” 现在,Google在字典里俨然已成了个动词 “Let's Google it” Google一下吧 “You can Google it” 您可以Google一下 “Work the Google on the Internet machine” 当您在联网设备上运行Google时 “Six simple letters on a plain white page” 这6个简单的字母就会呈现在素净的白色网页上 “Being able to do searches in any language, about any country” 这项搜索服务可支持任何语言 并可覆盖任何国家/地区 “Here’s the thing, when you’re putting in a question, they finish your question for you” 当您输入查询字词时 Google会猜测您要搜索的内容并自动帮您补齐 “At Google, we have been working on organizing the world's information” Google一直致力于整合全球信息 “Our goal is to digitize all the books” 我们的目标是 将所有图书全部数字化 “Today, Google announced Gmail. Email for everyone. For free.” 迄今,Google已成功推出了Gmail 这项电子邮件服务可免费提供给所有人 “Google is mapping the entire world to make it more accessible to people everywhere” Google一直在融汇全球的各类信息 以便世界各地的用户更轻松地获取这些信息 “Google is jumping into the mobile market” 同时,Google也在进军移动市场 “Android was built as an open platform for everyone to use and build on” 作为一个开放的平台 Android可供所有人使用和进行产品开发 “This is Chrome. It’s a faster, safer browser, for the open web” 这是Chrome,一款更快速更安全的浏览器 专为开放的网络打造 “Google is unveiling what they call the Knowledge Graph” Google亦推出了知识图谱 “We needed to understand the world the way you and I do: 我们都知道世界由万事万物组成 物与物之间有着千丝万缕的联系 As objects and relationships between objects” 我们需要在搜索结果中体现这一点 “Today, Google got another useful feature with Google Now” 如今,Google还推出了 另一项实用的功能 - Google即时 “We are providing you with answers before you've even asked for them” 它甚至无需您查询 就会适时地主动为您奉上所需信息 “One of my favorite cards is the one that shows traffic data for your commute to and from work” 我最喜爱的即时贴之一 是显示上下班路况的即时贴 “Think about how far Google has evolved from the ten blue links” 从最初的10个蓝色链接起步 Google有了很大的发展和变化 “We asked ourselves, how can we assist you right when you need it” 我们常常问自己 怎样才能适时地为用户提供所需服务? “Ok Google, call the Walker Art Center” Ok Google,给沃克艺术中心打电话 “It's not just desktop, phones, and laptops anymore” Google服务早已不再局限于 桌面设备、手机和笔记本电脑了 [SPEAKING KOREAN] “Ok Google, text Hayato that I'll be five minutes late” “It's watches with displays. Car consoles with displays”这是带显示屏的手表 有显示屏的汽车控制台 “Ok Google, let's go to the aquarium” Ok Google,我们去水族馆吧 “Yay fishies!” 哇,这么多鱼啊! “How can we help you get things done in as few steps as possible?” 我们怎样才能让您 最简便快捷地处理各种事务?” “Ok Google” “Ok Google” “Ok Google, show me my photos of Lucas with the pumpkin” Ok Google,显示我的相册中Lucas抱着南瓜的照片 “But we have to remember, we have a long way to go” 但我们要时刻谨记 我们还有很长的路要走 “This is just the tip of the iceberg” 现在只是刚到半山腰而已。

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